
The Drama of Human Neuroses: When Every Little Thing Matters

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Aug 7, 2006

Playing Catch Up

Posted by Bella

Where did the time go already?

I'm not even about to discuss all that's happened over the past 348 days; who needs to re-live some of those moments? Not me. I've grown a lot as a result, met some amazing people, and have come away with some fantastic friends. Looking at it that way, it's not all bad, huh? Not all bad, no.

Needless to say, I'm a new person, in a new year, with new options ahead. Options are always good things. I mean, sometimes it feels like options are good things, and sometimes, I don't want the options. Why? Because then I'll have to make a decision, and decision-making is a difficult task...what if I make the wrong decision? What if I'm overlooking more decisions? What if this decision is irreversible? What if, what if, and what if...the list could go on.

But, the truth is, my options are here and well, I have to take them. Sometimes, when you don't even want to make decisions for yourself, life will do it for you. So looking at it from that perspective, you think, "Hey, I think I'd rather make the wrong decision here instead of allowing the Universe to do it for me." Although, frankly, I can't say I haven't sat around at times and waited for the Universe to do exactly that, you know? A new year, a new life, a new me. Wonder what the future holds.

Ooh, one of my favorite game shows is on, "What's My Line?" It's a smart, cool show. Hard to believe everyone on the show is no longer living...weird to watch shows from the days of yore and realize that wow, once upon a time these people existed and now they no longer do. That makes me think of my own life, the fragility of life and how you should live each day to the fullest. Life is so's weird. Oh, John Daly is not hosting tonight's show? Too bad! I like him. Arlene Francis is a smart cookie and has a fabulously sultry voice. Or had, I suppose. I was reading about the conspiracy theory surrounding the weird circumstances of Dorothy Killgallen's death around the JFK fiasco.

What a strange time that was and still a very scary one. Everything surrounding that time is still in the shadows...I also read that the Warren Commission Report is sealed until the year 2039. Did I get that right? Is it the Warren Commission Report? Yeah, here we go: Warren Commission Report

How ridiculous to do that! The public has a right to know!! And how can such a decision be upheld in the court of law? How many years is that...another 34? I'll be..omg, twice my own age! That's old. Which brings me full-circle..the fleeting nature of life. Live life to the fullest...every day. If only I could make the decision to do just that....