
The Drama of Human Neuroses: When Every Little Thing Matters

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May 13, 2007


Posted by Bella

I'm getting ridiculous. Getting? I AM ridiculous. I've surpassed ridiculous. I'm so on the other side of ridiculous, I believe I've gone around full circle and come out this side of normal. Where does that leave me? One and a half years have gone by since I've last posted here. Where was I? Was I blog-less all this time? Actually, I've posted blogs through several different services, but I just couldn't really commit to one blogging service. Eventually, I forgot where this particular blog was located, and with a half-hearted attempt to locate it, I gave up soon enough and signed up with some other service. On and on and on. Sounds rather like serial dating, doesn't it?

Actually, commitment phobia is more like it--I can't commit to a blog! I don't know which one I love best, or which one will provide me with ever-lasting happiness, security, comfort, and yet an occasional pleasant surprise or two. What if I make the wrong decision and stick to ONE blog? Will I be happy? Will I miss out on some other blogging opportunity? Is my blogging service the "One" for me, or am I settling? Can I go back to a blog I've left behind for so long and still find enough satisfaction in it to re-ignite the connection? Can it work? Or should I create my own blog on my own website? Is this, perhaps, a case of a Blog Pygmalion and Galatea? How do I find the "perfect" blogging service? The search goes on...