
The Drama of Human Neuroses: When Every Little Thing Matters

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Aug 24, 2009

No Love Today

Posted by Bella

There are days when I just don't like people. There. I've finally admitted it. For a social, friendly, compassionate person such as myself (really, it's true), that confession is as bad as they come, because it sounds so curmudgeon-y and intolerant. But it's true. There are days...when the mere sight/sound of another person within 12 feet of me is just too much to bear. This dislike is not limited to strangers, either. In fact, it's especially true when it comes to those I know/love (i.e. friends, significant other, family members). These special people get the special treatment, indeed! We hurt the ones we love, the saying goes, right? I wouldn't go so far as to say that I hurt the ones I love, but I certainly want to on days like today...

I don't really have a psychological explanation or neurotic logic behind this...except that sometimes, people's inconsideration, rudeness, ignorance, arrogance, and selfishness even gets to me. Alright, maybe those are the reasons why and maybe the reasons are not so neurotic after all. But when things build up inside a person from life pressures, sometimes...people.just.really.bug. And this is just one of those days.

However, somewhere in my anti-people mode, a small glimmer of hope remains that by tomorrow, I'll love the people I'm supposed to love, will tolerate the ones who deserve it, and that I'll be as patient as a saint with the rest of human kind. That day is definitely not today, though as Scarlett O'Hara used to say, "Tomorrow is another day". But today, I've lost that loving feeling.


Dani said...

I'm so with you on this, ma chère amie! I'm so fed up with people's asinine behavior(s). Call me jaded, skeptical, or just plainly running on empty with patience, but I simply can no longer tolerate dishonesty, inconsideration, and lack of basic good manners. I often find myself rolling my eyes until they're about to pop behind my head. And, of course, it's always much worse when you experience transgressions from those you love the most. That fact bugs more than mere dimwits outside your familial and social circles. UGH.

Okay, off to bed I go, and I hope I get up on the right side of the bed in the morning. ;)